A Message from Charles Brettell



As you can see from this week’s message, the EAS Optimization Service has applications other than the simple ability to help identify & wring out incremental value from energy assets.  Here, we highlight the value of our Service as a predicative indicator and mechanism to align short, medium and long-term goals for asset & portfolio owners and investors.  Again, I’d ask:  “Doesn’t that sound like something you should look into?”


Shifting gears now, EAS attended the International Fuel Ethanol Workshop last week in Denver.  Widely regarded as the premier event in the ethanol industry, this year’s conference offered up exactly the kind of thought-provoking content for which it has become known.  Moreover, many of the panel presentations touched on subjects where EAS has particular expertise, such as operational efficiency, demand / supply side management, combined heat & power applications, fuel-switching options and risk management.


Another ethanol-related development this week is the introduction of John R. Haas as the "newest" member of EAS.  I put the brackets around newest because at almost 25 years of experience doing virtually everything in & around an ethanol plant, John is hardly new to the industry.  Welcome aboard, John!


As always, if anything here strikes a chord – whether the Optimization Service, our Ethanol Team's capabilities or anything you see on our website –  feel free to contact me at your convenience at bbrettell@energyassetsolutions.com.






“What’s the best way to balance risk and return?”


In a nutshell, simply recognizing that there are risks inherent in every asset, portfolio or transaction is a good place to start.


As we’ve seen recently with the disruption in the financial markets, rewards-only thinking that turns a blind eye to downside possibilities can have tremendously adverse impacts.


One Word:  Optimization


Once the risks are on your radar screen, quantifying & mitigating them while simultaneously maximizing returns is the order of the day.


To do that, you need an unvarnished view of what the future might hold based on today’s data.  Not just another turn of the financial model from your internal analysts, but a truly independent review that incorporates every kernel of information you have and optimizes around your particular situation, showing you the major (and minor) sensitivities, confidences and correlations.


EAS – Your Optimization Partner


At EAS, our Optimization Service helps owners & investors make more informed, quantitative, risk / reward decisions about their assets, portfolios and transactions.


So, whether it’s for a one-off due diligence assignment or a long-term engagement to support your internal asset / portfolio management team, EAS can help you spot risks and capture returns.


EAS.  Experienced . . . Independent . . . Solutions.



To learn more about how EAS can deliver for you, visit our website at http://www.energyassetsolutions.com/asset-optimization/.















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